

发布时间: 2024-05-13 17:41:41北京青年报社官方账号

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Antaeus, the giant in Greek mythology, can absorb inexhaustible power from the earth. Similarly, as long as the CPC stays close to the people, it will never lose its vitality.


App of the Week: Adobe Photoshop Mix for iPad.


Antonio Villafranca, research coordinator and co-head of the Europe and Global Governance Centre, Italian Institute for International Political Studies, said at the Global Think Tank Webinar on Wednesday that when the coronavirus outbreak hit Europe, he and colleagues had been requested by European governments to provide economic recipes. The European Union countries have also agreed last week "for the first time in history" to set up a 750 billion euro (7 billion) recovery fund to help member countries recover their economies ravaged by the pandemic.


Another key topic is whether the government will raise the budget deficit rate. A broad consensus has been achieved among officials and scholars before the high-level economic meeting that the government deficit-to-GDP ratio could be lifted to 3 percent, up from 2.8 percent in 2019, allowing the government to spend more on infrastructure construction projects.


Anyone eligible for employment insurance will get the same minimum for at least 26 weeks and will need to have worked 120 hours to qualify, well below current employment insurance requirements, since many Canadians have been unable to work to the pandemic.


